From The President – July
by Cyll Duncan From The President: When I took on the role of President one of the commitments I made was to build up our pub nights and make them ‘the place to be’. I am excited how we have gone […]
The Boot Co Brisbane Leather Denim Uniform Club Incorporated
Men's Leather – Denim – Uniform – Kink Group
by Cyll Duncan From The President: When I took on the role of President one of the commitments I made was to build up our pub nights and make them ‘the place to be’. I am excited how we have gone […]
I remember the first time I walked down the stairs at Sporties to Bootco, I wore the basic denim jeans and a black T-Shirt as I didn’t really own any leather. I was so scared of being treated like a […]
Greetings Men! It is hard to believe that our upcoming pub night Wrestle will mark six months (give or take a day or two) since the current management committee was elected and a notional half-way point in the committee’s term. […]
Greetings and Salutations! Firstly, my sincere apologies for those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the first newsletter from your new President. I can only apologise for the lateness and I can assure you that my tardiness will not […]
Hello Brothers, Things have been a whirlwind of activity this end, between the AGM, new committee, Howl and preparing for IML, things have been intense but well.
Hello Brothers, Well it’s that time. The BootCo. 2015 AGM is upon us and the committee is abuzz with who is nominating to be part of the group for the next 12 months. We have been impressed with the amount […]
It’s been an interesting month. My prediction of turbulence has panned out to be correct, 2015 is indeed being a troublesome year. But with each low comes a high and I’m hopeful that things will pan out.
Hello Brothers, I can’t help but feel 2015 is going to be a turbulent year. It’s not even a full month in and already I have seen long term friendships and relationships in a state of flux and change.
Hello Brothers, Sadly I was unable to attend the last pub night due to some minor surgery. I am however getting back on my feet and better each day. We didn’t get any photos from the Balls event but I […]
Hello Brothers, VOL. 25 – No.1. That really struck me hard as I changed the number over to start a new year for BootCo. This group that I somehow became part of, President even, is celebrating it’s 25th Birthday. That […]
Hello Brothers, As I was putting together the BootCo. Newsletter for our members, I had a bit of a moment. VOL. 25 – No.1. That really struck me hard as I changed the number over to start a new year […]
Brothers, Wow – The Boot Company was a big night for us. I thought that going up against Mardi Gras would see smaller numbers but how wrong I was. It was our biggest night yet, surpassing even last years Corium. […]
Brothers, It has come to my attention that a few of our members have been having some health issues. Firstly my best wishes for their return to full health and secondly, If you are one of these people and there […]
Brothers, 2013 is gone and another year rushes in to fill the void. I can’t believe January is already gone and February just around the corner. It’s been a busy time for BootCo. in the space of a month!
Brothers, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy and safe festive period over Christmas and New Year. 2013 has been a big year for BootCo. and I think 2014 will be even bigger! I […]