From The President – April 2015
It’s been an interesting month. My prediction of turbulence has panned out to be correct, 2015 is indeed being a troublesome year. But with each low comes a high and I’m hopeful that things will pan out.
The Boot Co Brisbane Leather Denim Uniform Club Incorporated
Men's Leather – Denim – Uniform – Kink Group
With summer finally in its final throes, it’s time for us to turn our attention to the cooler months of the year and with them, the chance to don more leather – bring it on! After months of hot, humid […]
Many of our members may have heard about the special subsidiary group that BootCo is now running called Boot Youth. Boot Youth is designed as a group for younger men who may be just starting out on their kink journey […]
Our club’s pub nights have continued their tradition of being highly sociable affairs, and rightly so. The atmosphere generated by a group of like-minded men getting together in a non-hostile, welcoming environment is one which we cherish, and that we […]